2011年5月26日 星期四


■標準化的人造衛星製作技術,已經使太空任務成本更低廉、技術也更容易取得。 ■這類總體積1000立方公分、重量一公斤的立方衛星(CubeSat)通常由許多通用的元件組成,可以跟著其他任務的火箭一起升空。 ■CubeSat的開發期間可短至一年,還可連接太空感測器網絡,大多數也會在短時間內落回地面,因此不會增加軌道上的太空垃圾。 ■各大學、公司、國家,甚至有興趣的個人,都可利用CubeSat執行嚴謹的科學任務,從大氣物理到微重力實驗,都可藉此進行研究。
因此,本文作者之一特維格斯(當時任職於美國史丹佛大學太空與系統開發實驗室)和加州州立理工大學教授蘇瓦力(Jordi Puig-Suari)發現,如果要實現小型人造衛星的概念,必須進行一些標準化工作,就像原始碼開放行動一樣,以低廉成本創造出世界級的軟體。因此在2000年,這兩位工程師發表了CubeSat規格。這份10頁的文件確立了幾項簡單的原則:每個單位必須為邊長10公分的正方體(可增減1/10毫米),因此總體積為1000立方公分;重量不可超過一公斤;CubeSat也可製作成長方形,佔用二或三個實體單位的空間,稱為2U或3U CubeSat。

2011年3月14日 星期一

Signapore casino

SINGAPORE (AFP) – Just one year after opening its first casino, Singapore has emerged as Asia's hottest new gambling capital with a revamped cityscape and billions of dollars pouring into the economy.
"Singapore has made a dramatic entry to the casino gaming market," financial consultancy PricewaterhouseCoopers said in a report estimating the city-state's casino gaming market at $2.8 billion in 2010.
The first casino opened in Malaysian-controlled Resorts World Sentosa on February 14, 2010, with US-based Las Vegas Sands following two months later as the world economy was still clawing itself out of recession.
Resorts World Sentosa also boasts Southeast Asia's first Universal Studios theme park, while Marina Bay Sands has become an architectural icon with its three curving towers topped off by a "SkyPark" shaped like a sleek ocean liner.
Thanks in large measure to the casino complexes, tourist arrivals in Singapore last year hit 11.6 million, breaking by far the previous record of 10.3 million set in 2007.
Most of the visitors came from the Asia-Pacific region, with mainland China, Australia, Indonesia and India together accounting for 53 percent.
Tourist spending helped fuel Singapore's 14.7 percent gross domestic product (GDP) growth in 2010, making it Asia's fastest-growing economy, after a 1.3 percent contraction in 2009.
PricewaterhouseCoopers predicted that Singapore would overtake South Korea and Australia this year to become the second-largest Asia-Pacific casino market behind traditional leader Macau.
"In 2011, with a full year's operation for both resorts, we expect revenues to reach $5.5 billion, growing to $8.3 billion by 2014," it said.
When the government lifted a ban on casinos, they were euphemistically called "integrated resorts" or "IRs" amid an outcry from civic and church groups worried about the social impact of large-scale gambling.
"Definitely with the opening of the casinos, we have seen an increase in gambling addicts seeking help," said Tan Lye Keng, executive director of One Hope Centre, a Christian welfare organisation for gambling addicts.
He told AFP that the Sg$100 ($78) entry levy imposed on Singaporean citizens and permanent residents failed to deter gamblers.
Families can also apply for problem gamblers to be banned from entering the casino premises.
But the resorts have also created thousands of new jobs for Singaporeans, and tourists rave over non-gambling attractions like Universal Studios.
"Visitor arrivals have really come in stronger and I think that's a direct spinoff from having the IRs on shore," Barclays Capital senior regional economist Leong Wai Ho told AFP.
He said the resorts were contributing in the region of 0.3 to 0.4 percent of GDP, with the potential for that to increase to 0.7 percent in the near future.
"That's only when both casinos, both IRs are up and running fully, so we're not there yet actually. Contributions to date have been significant, but I think the potential is for more to come," he said.
In the latest financial statement issued by parent company Las Vegas Sands, Marina Bay Sands was shown to have raked in $1.02 billion in revenues from its casino operations in 2010.
Resorts World Sentosa declined to disclose specific casino revenue numbers, but its total revenue stood at $1.53 billion for the nine-month period ending September 30, 2010.
Las Vegas-based casino industry analyst Jonathan Galaviz estimated casino revenue constitutes "at least 60 percent" of the total for Resorts World Sentosa.
"Tourism is a critical economic component for Singapore's economy," Galaviz told AFP.
"The exercise of legalising casino gaming, in the context of integrated resort development, has turned out to be a successful endeavour."
But Galaviz cautioned that Singapore should not get carried away by the success of the casino-powered resorts.
"I believe from a public policy perspective, that Singapore should protect itself from gaining the perception by the outside world that it is a casino-centric country," he said.
"For example, the financial sector in Singapore needs Singapore to be known as a stable, serious, and very ethical place for doing business," he added.

2011年3月3日 星期四


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2011年3月2日 星期三

2011年2月28日 星期一


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